Saturday, November 3, 2012


At its Annual Meeting the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) Board of Directors approved $75,000 in new canine health research grant sponsorships.  The funding will be directed through approved grants at the AKC Canine Health Foundation (AKC CHF) and the Morris Animal Foundation (MAF).  Specific research areas include genetic disease mapping studies for cardiomyopathy, subaortic stenosis, cruciate ligament rupture, osteochondritis dissecans, renal dysplasia, cataracts, and urinary stones.  The research will be conducted at several of the world's leading academic and research institutions including North Carolina State University, the Broad Institute, the University of Wisconsin, the University of Helsinki, the Animal Health Trust in the UK, Washington State University, and the University of Minnesota.

In addition to regular funding of canine health research grants through the AKC CHF and MAF, as a not-for-profit foundation focused on companion animal health, the OFA contributes regularly through the following programs:

  • Through the CHIC DNA Repository, the OFA has underwritten nearly $100,000 in DNA banking expenses involved in DNA sample collections for  future canine health research. Over 16,000 samples have been banked to date, and over 2,000 samples have been provided at no cost to canine health researchers all over the world.
  • The OFA's endowed scholarship program at the University Of Missouri College Of Veterinary Medicine supports annual scholarships to deserving veterinary students.
  • The OFA funds veterinary student attendance at educational events such as the AKC CHF Biennial National Parent Club Health Conference.
  • The OFA's Richard Fox Memorial Fund supports summer research fellowships.
  • The OFA's new Eye Certification Registry supports the ACVO Vision for Animals Foundation to support research leading to the elimination of  ocular diseases causing vision loss and suffering in animals.
These programs have amounted to over $150,000 in direct support for its mission to improve the health and well being of companion animals through a reduction in the incidence of genetic disease over the last two years, and over $3 million in combined contributions since the OFA's founding in 1966.

For more information please visit the OFA website at
Eddie Dziuk
OFA, Columbia, MO

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

2013 National - RV parking

The 2013 ASSA National RV parking is now available for reservations and the Linn County Expo Center, in Albany, Oregon is taking the reservations.
Electrical/water hookups are very limited and available at $30.00/night There are a larger number of dry camping spaces available at $10.00/night.
You can also make a reservation by calling 1-541-926-4314 EXT 4 or online at:
There also is a full service RV park within a mile of the Linn Co Expo Center that allows dogs.
Blue Ox RV Park
4000 Blue Ox Dr SE
Albany, Oregon
Fax: (541) 812-0202

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Specialty Shows- November 2012

November 8-9
Florida Classic Park, 5360 Lockhart Rd., Brooksville, FL 34602

Shows Close, Wednesday, October 24, 2012

November, 8
Breed - Glenda Henson
Sweeps - Linda Kunicki

November 9
Breed - Robin McTaggart
Sweeps- Linda Myers, Outback Shelties
Obedience, Rally- Robert Withers

Premium List Specialty Shows:

Judy Smith - Show Chairman:

Hernando County Kennel Club All-Breed Shows:

November 8 - 9, 2012
Shetland Sheepdog Club of North Alabama
Hosted by Decatur Alabama Kennel Club
Racking Horse Celebration Grounds
Priceville, AL
(Closes: Oct 22)

November 8 - Marcia Bittner
November 9 - Yvonne Samuelson

Onofrio Dog Shows LLC, Superintendent
November 10 - 11, 2012
Tri-Valley Shetland Sheepdog of NW Los Angeles
Happy Dog Agility Training Center
Tierra Rejada Ranch
15191 Read Rd
Moorpark, CA
(Closes: Oct 24)

November 10
Dr William Brokken (Breed)
Mark Hersman (Sweeps)

November 11
Carl Skinner (Breed)
Larry Warsoff (Obedience)
Kathy Brown (Sweeps)

Rhonda Storm, Event Secretary
9255 Derby Dr
Riverside, CA 92509-3523
(951) 681-2487

November 10 -11, 2012
Triangle Shetland Sheepdog Club of North Carolina
APS Felicite Latane Animal Sanctuary
6311 Nicks Road
Mebane, NC
(Closes: Oct 24)

November 10
Charlotte Tull-Swinson (Breed)
Jane Bishop (4-6mos puppies /Sweeps)

November 11

Yvonne Samuelson (Breed)
Carl Williford (Sweeps)

Pam Jarmon, Event Seretary
3912 Durnford Dr
Apex, NC 27539
(919) 661-9062

November 10 - 11, 2012
Central New York Shetland Sheepdog Club
Syracuse Obedience Training Center
6392 Deere Rd
Syracuse, NY
(Closes: Oct 24)

November 10
Carolyn Ing (Breed)
Evelyn Van Uden (Obed)
Danielle Chesley (Juniors/Sweeps)

November 11
Kim Schive (Breed)
Evelyn Van Uden (Obed)

Fredna Pickerd ((Sweeps)

Jim Rau Dog Shows Ltd, Superintendent

November 15, 2012
Shetland Sheepdog Club of Greater Tucson
Pima County Fairgrounds
11300 South Houghton Rd
Tucson, AZ
(Closes: Oct 20)

Lisa Graser (Breed)
Nancy Grimm (Obedience)

Michael Van Tassell (Breed)
Catherine Pruss (Obedience)

Leslie Carle, Event Secretary
7126 E 29th St
Tucson, AZ 85710-5702
(520) 722-1836

November 18, 2012
Dallas Shetland Sheepdog Club
Dog City Training Center
15559 Wright Bros Dr
Addison, TX
(Closes: Oct 31)


Johanna Primeaux (Breed)


Sam Folsom (Breed)

Susan Sweetnam, Event Secretary
3109 Big Oaks Dr
Garland, TX 75044-6925
(972) 495-0145

November 30, 2012
Colonial Shetland Sheepdog Club
Central Mass Expo Center
150 Royal Plaza Drive
Fitchburg, MA
(Closes: Nov 14)

Joy Brewster (Breed)
MB-F Inc, Superintendent

A.S.S.A. Committee Chairs

In conjunction with the approval and release of the Fall Board Meeting Minutes, the following new committee chairs are announced:

Judges Gifts- Barbara Wright;
Trophy Donations (Breed) – Kyle Bohencamp;
Web Site- Walt Christensen;
Publications- Linda Nicholas

The Board would like to welcome these new volunteers, and wish them well in their endeavors! Your encouragement and assistance in helping them get through the transition process will be most welcomed.

Please assist us too in giving our utmost appreciation and thanks to those outgoing chairs who have devoted so much of their time, and efforts to the Association. Their talents, as well as those who served before them, have help build the ASSA into an organization of distinction!

Judges Gifts- Glenda Henson;
Trophy Donations (Breed) – Jennie Hynes;
Web Site- Priscilla Gardner;
Publications- Lyn Krivanek

Thanks so much for your contributions!



At the recent Fall Board Meeting, the Officers and Directors voted unanimously to change the format of the National Week, beginning with the 2013 show. There was much discussion on the issues of cost, locations, attendance, judging schedule and events during the week. All were in agreement that the schedule for the National required honing to make it more enjoyable and workable venue. Further information will be provided soon by National Show Planner, Al Bianchi so that everyone planning on being "Totemly Cool" in Albany can schedule their travel accordingly; look for the 2013 National page on the A.S.S.A. website shortly!


"The American Shetland Sheepdog Association is excited to re-affirm the Fredericksburg (VA) Expo Center as the site for the 2015 National Specialty. The facility includes an 80,000 sq. ft. exhibition hall, 11 meeting rooms and adjacent hotels including the Hampton Inn, Hilton Garden Inn and Homewood Suites. Additional hotels that accept dogs are within a very short drive to the expo, as well as Frederickburg's finest eateries. The Fredericksburg Region is so rich in history and is conveniently located just 50 miles south of Washington D.C. with airline service from Dulles, Washington Regan International, and Richmond, VA.

"The A.S.S.A. has been faced with a difficult decision regarding the cost of the facility and related production costs of the 2015 show versus other venues in the Eastern Region. The original budget for this site projected a $20,000 loss for the A.S.S.A.! After additional negotiations with the Expo Center, the A.S.S.A. was able to narrow, but not eliminate the loss, based upon its original plans for division of costs and expenses with the local club. Nevertheless, because of its central location within the Eastern Region and other environmental factors, the A.S.S.A. wished to retain the Fredericksburg site; but the only way to do so, while responsibly dealing with its budgetary concerns, was for the ASSA to produce its own 2015 National Specialty. Thus, the A.S.S.A. made a new offer to the local club, which the A.S.S.A. believed would have allowed both the local club and the A.S.S.A. to be financially successful. Unfortunately, the A.S.S.A. and the local club failed to agree upon a division of costs and income, and the A.S.S.A. elected to move forward at the Fredericksburg site, with a 2015 National Specialty produced by the A.S.S.A.

The A.S.S.A. would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the Blue Ridge SSC, Central VA SSC and Greater Baltimore SSC for all of their efforts in connection with the 2015 National Specialty.

As with the National Specialties in 2013 in Albany, Oregon, and 2014 at Purina Farms, Missouri, the ASSA looks forward to the participation of Regional Clubs for the 2015 National Specialty. The A.S.S.A. hopes that you will mark your calendars and join us all at these National Specialties!"

Friday, October 5, 2012

Juniors scholarships

Congratulations to Leah Escalante and Alexis Parisek.  Each was awarded a $2,000 college scholarship. They were selected from a very strong applicant pool based on the strength of their personal essays, letters of recommendation,  their academic achievements and potential, as well as their participation in the sport of dogs and extracurricular activities.

Leah is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Alexis is a freshman at Murray State University.

Virginia Perry Gardiner

On September 10, 2012 the dog-world lost a great friend when artist, sculptor, jewelry designer and painter Virginia Perry Gardiner passed away. 
In recognition of her numerous contributions and donations to the ASSA over the years, the ASSA Foundation has made a $250 donation in her memory to the North Kingstown, RI  Fire Department, as requested by her family. 

Additionally, a memorial ad will be placed in the 2013 ASSA National Catalog.

RWD and RWB – 2013 National

At the September 11th & 12th Delegates & Board Meeting of the AKC, an amendment to Chapter 16, Section 1, of the Rules Applying to Dog Shows was adopted.   Effective January 1, 2013, there will be a new three point major for the dog designated Reserve Winners Dog and Reserve Winners Bitch at one National Specialty each year,  specified by the Parent Club, provided there are at least twice the number required for a five point major in the winner's sex.  Points given for Best of Winners do not go into the calculation for reserve points. The Parent Club would have the option of not providing the additional major. 

The ASSA Board voted to participate in this program in 2013; three point majors will be awarded to the Reserve Winners Dog and the Reserve Winners Bitch in Albany, OR notwithstanding that all other requirements for numbers of entries are satisfied.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Frequently Asked Questions regarding the new OFA Eye Certification Registry

Is the OFA Eye Certification Registry (ECR) replacing CERF?  Is CERF going away?

The OFA and CERF have always had a collaborative working relationship.  However, we are two distinct organizations.  The OFA cannot speak for CERF.  The American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (ACVO) has designated the OFA’s Eye Certification Registry as their endorsed registry as of November 1, 2012.  ACVO diplomates (veterinary ophthalmologists) will be receiving OFA eye examination forms in mid-October, and the ACVO is encouraging their use and registration of results with the OFA going forward.

How will this transition affect those breeds including CERF as one of their CHIC requirements?

The key element of the requirement is the exam itself, not the organization registering the result.  There are no differences in the eye examination protocol whether the intent is to register with CERF or the OFA.  The exam protocol and the resulting interpretation and classifications are the same.  Prior to the transition date, all CHIC requirements that currently include CERF eye exams will automatically be updated.  The new criteria will read, “Eye examination by an ACVO Ophthalmologist with the results registered with either the OFA or CERF”.  Going forward, both OFA and CERF registrations will meet the CHIC eye exam criteria.

Will the OFA continue to display CERF results on their website?

All public domain data that CERF has previously shared with the OFA will be archived and will continue to be displayed on the OFA website.

Is my ophthalmologist aware of the transition?

The ACVO Board of Regents communicated formally with all active diplomates in early August.  The OFA has also communicated with all active diplomates regarding the implementation.  Additionally, the new program will be formally rolled out at the Annual ACVO Meeting in October.

Are there any differences between the OFA’s Eye Certification Registry and CERF?

For the average dog owner, there are no significant differences.  The exam protocol, interpretation of results, and fees are all the same.  Eye exam results registered with the OFA will continue to generate certification numbers, and these will be forwarded to the AKC and displayed on the OFA website.

Since there are no significant differences in registering results with the OFA or CERF, what are the benefits of one over the other?

The primary benefits of the new ACVO and OFA joint Eye Certification Registry are on the backend.  The OFA has committed to more frequent and enhanced reporting of aggregate statistics regarding disease prevalence and progression by breed.  Enhanced reporting will be available for ACVO diplomates and for parent breed clubs.  Regularly updated aggregate statistics will be made available to the public via the OFA’s website.  The OFA is also establishing a Clinical Database of Ophthalmic Diagnoses to capture data from ACVO diplomates on canine eye exams in an institutional or practice setting where the dog is presenting for reasons other than a certification exam.  The inclusion of this data will greatly enhance disease monitoring.  As a not-for-profit organization, the OFA will be sharing a negotiated percentage of all eye registrations with the ACVO Vision for Animals Foundation to support research leading to the treatment and elimination of ocular disease.  Submission of eye exams to the OFA will support all of these efforts and will maximize the value of data in a single central database.

CERF exams are currently considered valid for one year.  What about the OFA Eye Certification Registry?

OFA eye certification numbers will also be valid for one year from the time of the exam.

If I previously submitted an eye exam to CERF, and submit follow up exam results to the OFA, will the OFA charge the initial or resubmit fee?

In the above scenario, even though it represents an initial submission to the OFA, if a previous CERF submission on the dog is documented, the reduced resubmit fee ($8) will be applied.

How should breed clubs that incorporate specific CERF language into their Code of Ethics, Breeder Guidelines, Advertising Requirements, etc handle the transition?

Neither the OFA nor the ACVO can dictate how clubs handle these types of changes, especially since the changes may be specifically governed by their club Constitution, By-Laws, or Operating Policies.  However, since the eye exam is the key element, not the registry, the OFA recommends updating such language in line with the following…”eye examination for observable inherited eye disease by an ACVO diplomate (ophthalmologist) with the results registered with either the OFA or CERF” .

Can I submit a CERF exam form to the OFA’s Eye Certification Registry?

Since the exam data is the same, the OFA will accept submissions recorded on CERF exam forms.  However, so the owner’s intent is clear, the OFA will require a signed note from the owner or authorized agent indicating they would like the exam results entered into the OFA Eye Certification Registry, and accompanying payment must be made to the OFA.  If a submission includes a check payable to CERF, the application will be returned.

How will OFA assign eye certification numbers and how will they differ from CERF?

The OFA will assign eye certification numbers for dogs found free of observable inherited eye disease.  Dogs with observable, but passing conditions (currently known as Breeder Option Codes), will be issued notated OFA eye certification numbers.  Dogs with observed eye diseases of significance will be reported as ineligible for eye certification numbers.  The OFA eye certification numbers will follow the same format as existing OFA numbers for other disease databases.  The following example illustrates the anticipated format:  LR-EYE-100/24M/VPI.  In this example, the first two characters indicate the breed, in this case a Labrador Retriever.  EYE indicates this is an OFA eye number.  100 would indicate this is the 100th Labrador assigned an OFA eye number.  These numbers are issued sequentially within breed.  24M indicates the age in months at the time of evaluation, and the sex.  VPI indicates that the dog was permanently identified via microchip or tattoo and the examining ophthalmologist verified the id during the examination.  Other possible suffixes would include NOPI (no permanent identification provided), or PI (permanent id provided on the application but not verified by the examining ophthalmologist).  Only dogs with verified permanent identification will have their normal results automatically shared with the AKC for inclusion on their registration and pedigree documents.  Breeder option codes will be noted on the OFA report and on the OFA website.

What will be the OFA’s policy regarding posting of eye exam results on the OFA website?

The OFA will follow its existing policy for posting of exam results.  All normal/passing results are considered public domain information and will post and display on the OFA’s website.  Dogs with observable, but passing conditions (currently known as Breeder Option Codes) will have their results posted and released into the public domain, including the specific notation.  There is no option to keep a passing observable breeder option code condition confidential while releasing the passing certification number.  Non-passing results will only be posted and released if the owner authorizes disclosure.

Will eye exam clinics continue to be held at dog shows?

Eye exam clinics are arranged independently by the show giving club and the attending ophthalmologist.  There is no reason to believe that these will be discontinued.

Eddie Dziuk
Chief Operating Officer
Orthopedic Foundation for Animals
2300 E Nifong Blvd.
Columbia, MO  65201
Phone:  (573) 442-0418 x222  Fax:  (573) 875-5073

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Welcome to the ASSA blog

Greetings - thanks for checking out the ASSA blog.  We'll be posting items of interest, news and note for the members of the American Shetland Sheepdog Association.  If its a timely matter pertaining to the health and welfare of the Sheltie, legislative issues impacting our participation in the sport, updates on our national specialty show or business items related to the functioning of the organization, chances are you'll find it here.

So welcome and please check back frequently.